Eligible Institutions
  • Business enterprises including start-ups who are acting as enablers for market linkage and provision of services to Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs). Also, Corporates including start-ups, in Agriculture, Agriculture allied and off farm sector and micro food enterprises announced by GOI.
  • Secondary FPOs/Federations/Apex Cooperatives and other second-tier organizations who have underlying cooperatives, FPOs and other community-based organizations as primary members
  • Agtech Companies providing services directly to farmers, farmer groups or FPOs. iv. Mature Primary FPOs who have graduated to larger facilities above Rs.2.0 cr
Eligible activities

Any commercial/income generating activities in agriculture, agri allied and off farm sector helping to improve the income of POs, farmers and rural community.

Type of Loans: Working capital, term loans or mix of both

Eligibility Criteria

Agri corporates, Agri start-ups, Federations, Individuals/Others based on the merit of the project/proposals will be considered for financing.

Quantum and Margin

Project outlay of Rs.50.00 lakh and above may be considered. However, projects of less size may also be considered on case to case basis. Minimum margin of 25% of the project cost to be brought in by the borrower.

Rate of Interest: Rate of interest is proposed to be linked to weighted average Cost of Borrowing of NABKISAN and as per the rate of interest policy of NABKISAN applicable from time to time.


Primary Security: Hypothecation/Mortgage of assets created out of NABKISAN financial assistance.

Collaterals: Minimum 50% of the financial assistance in the form of liquid collateral or mortgage of commercial property (other than agriculture land). Personal/corporate guarantees from promoters/major investors is compulsory. In lieu of personal/corporate guarantee, third party guarantee can also be obtained. If the loan is to be covered under Rabo Foundation or any credit guarantee scheme then a minimum collateral of 10% will be needed. The sanctioning authority is vested with certain powers to relax the collateral requirements as per the conditions stipulated therein. The above collateral security norms applies for proposals under co-origination also and other banks/FI can obtain collateral as per their policy.